Learn Enough to Be Dangerous is a leader in the movement to teach the world technical sophistication, which includes both "hard skills" like coding, command lines, and version control, and "soft skills" like guessing keyboard shortcuts, Googling error messages, and knowing when to just reboot the darn thing.
We believe there are at least a billion people who can benefit from learning technical sophistication, probably more. To join our movement, sign up for our official email list now.
Learn Enough to Be Dangerous is an outgrowth of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and the Softcover publishing platform. This page is part of the sample site for Learn Enough CSS and Layout to Be Dangerous, which teaches the basicics of Cascading Style Sheets, the language that allows web pages to be styled. Other related tutorials can be found at learnenough.com.
Nearly every morning I crank out some morning pages. I enjoy them. They seem to process and disolve distracting thoughts. They also grease the wheels of my mind’s writing and creating circuits. I notice that I write faster when I’m in the habbit of daily morning pages. That said, I wish that I had a better morning and daily routine. A routine after which I look back over my day and feel like I’ve learned some interesting stuff, maybe created some good things of use in the world, maintained order and beauty in my surroundings and spent time with people I love and whose company I enjoy. I haven’t gotten there yet or anything close to it. But maybe I’m making progress. Maybe I’m getting ready to get ready to get closer to that.
Learn Enough to Be Dangerous was founded in 2015 by Michael Hartl, Lee Donahoe, and Nick Merwin. We believe that the kind of technical sophistication taught by the Learn Enough tutorials can benefit at least a billion people, and probably more.
Known for his dazzling charm, rapier wit, and unrivaled humility, Michael is the creator of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and principal author of the Learn Enough to Be Dangerous introductory sequence.
Michael is also notorious as the founder of Tau Day and author of The Tau Manifesto, but rumors that he's secretly a supervillain are slightly exaggerated.